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lone star midgets
Option # 1 The Fastest Way To Book Your Midget Entertainer Is With Our Easy To Use Online Reservation Form.
Complete this order form with all the questions answered directly and click sumbit " after you will get an email confirmation along with a confirmation call from our office.

Option # 2 We Have Made Houston Reservations For Your Midget Simple And Easy To Complete With Our Phone / Text Ordering System.
If you have already searched our lone star midget directory and are ready to start your order please follow the steps below " start by calling or texting our kingwood order hotline and let them know what day and time your show is, from there they will ask you a few questions about your party and even send you a copy of your order via email.After that is complete you will most likely make a small deposit on our kingwood payment link that we will send you via text right before your midget calls you to confirm and go over details about the show " no where in texas can you find grade A service like this from start to finish!

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We Always Try To Help Our New Customers in Texas

Kingwood - Montgomery - The Woodlands - Galveston - Bellaire - Pasadena - Houston - Aldine - Fresno - Baytown - Pearland - El Paso - Humble - Katy - Crosby - Cypress - Porter - Angelton

© Lone Star Midgets Have Been Sending Out Entertainers, Impersonators, Strippers, & Hosts For Over 10 Years - Kingwood Directory